Demonstration at Spartanburg County Republican Committeemans Meeting, Aug. 23, 2007
A call went out to attend this meeting and/or demonstrate for censure of Empire Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican, S.C.).
The meeting was held outdoors at an ice cream parlor on
The Repub’s sound system was awful and it appeared they turned the volume down during critical discussion. They don’t even try to hide their mean tricks.
The place was packed. We were stunned when the Chairman announced there weren’t enough committeemen to make a quorum. What a weasel. He said there would be no voting on business tonight. And they didn’t.
The main attraction of this meeting was a Greenville-style resolution, censuring of Sen. Lindsey Graham. The resolution was read (volume turned down) and was “put into the minutes” but no vote was allowed. We know how the vote would have gone. It was obvious there were more people for censuring Graham than against. The Empire has got to stop the momentum of censuring their chosen ones. Things could get out of hand for them in a hurry. They had to do something to stop this vote and buy some more time.
I’m sure the resolution will be back.
Ron Paul supporters were there in larger than usual numbers. Tee shirts, stickers, signs and banners were all around.
There were people passing out “Dump Lindsey” bumper stickers. All the “dump Lindsey” folks and Ron Paul supporters were in a good mood. We had a good time.
There were four identifiable Graham supporters. The continual scowls on their faces told us their thoughts on the event. They didn’t like all the anti-Lindsey signs and talk. One fat Graham-cracker went around taking photos of all anti-Lindsey demonstrators. I suppose we will now be on the “No-Fly” list the goons keep.
Patriots had a good showing.
1 comment:
GREAT post, GREAT event!
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