Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Corner on National Review Online


evweyer i look i see wasism:

"Lindsey Grahamnisty: 'There's Racism In This Debate' [Jim Geraghty]

Lindsey Graham digs the hole deeper:

Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who is one of the architects of the immigration overhaul, said he also had received threats in telephone calls and letters to his office. Mr. Graham said several other senators had told him privately that they also received similar messages.

“There’s racism in this debate,” Mr. Graham said. “Nobody likes to talk about it, but a very small percentage of people involved in this debate really have racial and bigoted remarks. The tone that we create around these debates, whether it be rhetoric in a union hall or rhetoric on talk radio, it can take people who are on the fence and push them over emotionally.”

That darn talk radio!"

The Corner on National Review Online

South Carolina League

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