While in South Carolina, recently, for the Republican debate, McCan't stated that the flag issue had been decided (by the state of South Carolina) and should be laid to rest. However, as this news article relates, his message is muy flexible.
Here he says that his campaign staff made me do it (declare, in 2000, the flag to be solely a state issue), that he had been a coward to say so and that he lied when he said it. He also implied that it was a stupid mistake, as well, as the lie didn't even gain him the victory in South Carolina, for which it had been fabricated.
So, is it a South Carolina issue or not? For John McCan't it still depends on geography - and he is going to loose in South Carolina again. Some things never change.
From a Concord Monitor news article:
At a town hall meeting in Manchester yesterday, Sen. John McCain looked back to his 2000 bid for the presidency. It was one of his low moments, he said, when he took the advice of his political consultants and said something he didn't believe to voters in the South Carolina primary.
When asked about his views on the Confederate Flag at the time, he said it was a choice that should be left up to the states.
'It was an act of cowardice, and I lost the South Carolina primary anyway,' McCain said.
Read more: "McCain hits the trail with familiar flair - A Concord Monitor Article - Your News Source -
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