Yet when it does come, a whole lot of folks won't even care - and many will actually be pleased. "It's about time a strong leader laid down the law," they will say.
Practice saying "when" instead of "if".
We are simply at a certain point on a political continuum at which the future seems unusually apparent. The fall of the USSR left the grossly over-armed US military industrial complex with a "window of opportunity" to gain control of "everything" to become the universal hegemon. Only one problem. There was an enemy vacuum. Nine/eleven solved that, at least temporally, until China can take the Middle East's place. And along the way, domestic dissent (redefined as a domestic terrorism threat) will play an important role as bogeyman in residence.
We have waited and watched in amazed dismay as the unthinkable gradually became commonplace. Yet the lust for power, unchecked, knows no bounds.
This essay by Dave Lindorff points out that everything is in place for the final shoe to fall.
He writes:
As we go about our daily lives--our shopping, our escapist movie watching, and even our protesting and political organizing—we need to be aware that there is a real risk that it could all blow up, and that we could find ourselves facing armed, uniformed troops at our doors.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Martial Law Threat is Real
The looming collapse of the US military in Iraq, of which a number of generals and former generals, including former Chief of Staff Colin Powell, have warned, is happening none too soon, as it may be the best hope for preventing military rule here at home."
Read more: This Can't Be Happening!
South Carolina League of the South
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