Friday, July 06, 2007

It takes a Worried Graham

Lindsey Graham is a traitor to South Carolina and he is worried!

"I worry that local and state governments will begin to act more aggressively and create a hodge-podge of laws."

Senator Graham Press Release:

Senator Graham Press Release
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) ^ | July,4.2007 | U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on the Senate immigration bill.

“Several months ago, I met with President Bush at the White House to discuss our out-of-control problems with illegal immigration. He asked me if I would help him push immigration reform through Congress and I gave him my word I would. I support President Bush and admire his leadership. I will be forever grateful for his work to try and solve this difficult problem.

What he said: "President Bush and I made it clear we would not compromise on our guiding principle that securing our nation’s borders must be our first priority"

What he meant:President Bush and I made it clear we would not compromise onour guiding principle of opening up and letting them all in.

Our plan made unprecedented efforts and provided over $4.4 billion in funding to secure our nation’s borders and deal with immigration in a comprehensive manner.

“The legislation first and foremost secured our border. It also established a new comprehensive employee verification system for all workers to ensure people are in the country legally and eligible to work."

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